
Ig # 1 Stress And Transportation Phi Assignment

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PGA #1 Option 3: Stress and Transportation For my PGA assignment, I decided to visit a high stress area and observe how people responded to the stressors presented to them. For my high stress area, I chose the local MITS bus stop in downtown Muncie on a Monday afternoon as people finished their daily work schedules. I chose this location for a variety of reasons. The first reason being a former professor of mine was forced to use the MITS bus system as her main form of transportation. She complained during her office hours that the whole event was stressful due to delays, other passengers, numerous stops, and the bus route throughout the city. I also chose this location because of driving by and seeing how busy the location was. For the assignment, …show more content…

The main stressors seemed to be the daily hassles and other social stressors. According to the textbook, daily hassles are stressors that are normally encountered every day, there were multiple of these that were created at the bus station. The most notable being the lack of timeliness of the drivers. The bus was approximately ten minutes later than when it was originally supposed to arrive, due to traffic on its route. This caused some of the riders to be put in a time crunch for their event or activity they had to be on time for in the evening. Another daily stressor that manifested itself at the bus station was the impact that work seemed to have on them. Most everyone there seemed easily irritable, visibly angry and frustrated which I think can be attributed back to the long day at work. In addition to the daily hassles the station also created some unwanted social stressors. The main stressor in the social realm seemed to come from unwanted contact with other riders. Many people were very irritable from what I assumed were their daily stressors and they didn’t want to interact with other riders. Unfortunately for them, the bus was crowded and most were forced to share a seat. This created an awkward situation for those who were quiet and wanted to relax while other passengers constantly bombarded them with

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