
Immanuel Kant Research Paper

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Over the course of history many different philosophers have shared their ideas about our world and how they believe the human mind, body, and spirit work. Although I agree with multiple ideas from different philosophers my beliefs mostly side with Immanuel Kant. Kant believed both sensing and reason play apart in the way we see the world, but we can only experience the world through how it appears to us. He also put emphasis on moral law and believes that everyone has morals within them, but may not necessarily choose to live by them. I consider these ideas to be true and important to our society today. One of Kant’s main ideas was, “both ‘sensing’ and ‘reason’ come into play in our conception of the world,” (Gaarder pg 321). I think that it …show more content…

Kant even states, “the ability to distinguish between right and wrong is inherent in human reason,” (Gaarder pg 330). Kant is saying that knowing what is right and wrong is innate to humans. For example when an opportunity to do something against the moral code is offered you typically immediately know this is wrong; some people even go as far to say that it is a “gut feeling” that they can actually feel when they know something is not moral. This ability to differentiate between right and wrong can also be referred to as our conscious. Kant explains the law of morals as, “We cannot prove what our conscience tells us, but we know nevertheless,” (Gaarder pg 331). So even though we cannot have a definite answer to what our conscious tells us to do, we know it is telling us something. There is one problem though: Although humans know the difference between right and wrong, they may choose to disobey the moral code even if they know better. Another important statement Kant makes about the moral code is, “Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as means, but always at the same time as an end,” (Gaarder pg 331). Kant’s words of advice in this quotation sound similar to the golden rule: “treat others the way you would like to be treated”. This is an important value to hold onto in life because if you are kind

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