Kant's Aesthetic Analysis

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The English word aesthetic (Ästhetisch in German or esthétique in French) is derived from Greek aisthetikos which means "sensitive, perceptive" . Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy, and it is the nature of art, philosopical beauty and taste with the creation and appreciation of beauty. The philosophy of aesthetics has been criticized by some sociologists, philosophers,theorists,writers and civilizations, but Immanuel Kant was by far the most tremendously and influential of the early theorists towards the end of the eighteenth century.This word is popularized in English by Immanuel Kant.In Kant 's usage,an aesthetic judgment is a judgment which is based on feeling, and in particular on the feeling of pleasure or displeasure.According …show more content…

He handled many issues in the area of philosophy, and he came into prominence with his analysis, criticizes and revealing the new terms. One of the term that he analyzed is epistomology, and in Kant 's epistomology we can not know the main meaning of the thing in real; he values the human mind above everything,and he says rationality works same for everyone. With this association mathematic exists,and with it 's effect we can comunicate with eachother. However,we can only reach limited information about reality, because we can only receive the knowledge which passes through out filters of mind. In the same way in moral philosophy, because of that every humanbeing has the same structure of mind,we can reach the common truths with using our mind,and these truths are only associate with our minds. As distinct from epistomology and moral philosophy,in Kant 's percept,aesthetics experience and aesthetic concern can not be based on the exact formulas. In fact,there is no reason that making something beautiful, except the impact on us. And, in this sense the whole aesthetic experience is subjective. Kant argues the subjective nature of aesthetic qualities and experiences in Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime. Also,Kant 's contribution to aesthetic theory is developed in Critique of Judgment. In the following part,i will demonsrate the analysis of aesthetics by referring his works 'Critique of Judgment ' which …show more content…

However, when we analyzed aesthetics,ethics and epistomology philosophically, aesthetics less philosophically central than the others. Kant examines the critique of aesthetics with these two major tasks: first, to bridge the seperation between the theoretical knowledge of the first book and the practical knowledge of the second book through a third, intermediary legislate, which he calls “judgment”; and second, to reconcile the subjectivity of aesthetic experience with a priori, communal standards of taste ,which are based predominately on feelings of pleasure and displeasure. And, these judgments are called as "determinant judgment" which belongs to the understanding, and refers to a given universal concept, and "reflective judgment" which belongs to the faculty of judgment, and refers to no given universal concept, and it is divided into three kinds: systematic, teleological and aesthetical. As i said earlier,in Kant 's usage there are three types of aesthetic judgment, and these are judgments of agreeable, judgments of the beauty and, judgments of the sublime. The first section "Analytic of the Beautiful" aims to analyse