
Immigration Persuasive Speech

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Iḿ here in front of you today for many things, first and foremost because this is is graded, but also because I think this is important and I feel the need to answer this question, at least for myself. To me, anyone is American that believes in our country, because everyone in our country already believes in our country, we must accept everyone that wishs to be accepted by us and make sure that when freedom is needed, we are the land that has it, because like those pilgrims believed when they came here so long ago, we are the land of the un-wanted, but more importantly, the land of the free. All people, let alone immigrants have struggled, through different things at different times, to varying degrees, it’s what makes us human. It is against human nature to be self-less, but we are better than that, we are more than just automated responses, stringed together in DNA, we should, no we must be better than that. Extend a hand of friendship and …show more content…

If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” Now more than ever that is important to know that one of our nation's greatest presidents thought of immigrants as a gift. How we chose and place labels on other people, but be so offended to having labels placed on us. There are over 14 specifically anti-immigrant hate groups that have a semi-present role in government and those are only the ones that are monitored by the SPLC. Lots of changes have happened in the world of immigration all over the world, from a refugee crisis in Syria, to bad living conditions in Central America and militarised states in Israel and North Korea. The world is getting more xenophobic as the world gets worse and when help is needed the most. So all of us need to do is bring more kindness into the world and protest and write speeches not unlike this one to truly promote the wellbeing of every being on this planet that we call our

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