
Impact Of Social Media On American Culture

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Growing up, my family was very involved in the church; we went every Sunday and did not skip a day. We went to and help out at church events, and were just very involved in the church community. When I spent my summers in Jamaica when I was younger we would be going to church 3 times a week and twice on Sundays. Religion was a very big part of my life when I was growing up and continues to be, and my family expected the expectations that come along with all the teachings and ways of God. My sister and I were preached at about how sex was for marriage, to stay abstinent and wait, that sex was between two people who loved each other very much and were ready to take that next step in their relationship. We were told that school, family, and God …show more content…

It is the main channel through which our generation gets knowledge and exposure to things. It teaches us in subliminal ways many things that we don’t even realize, and is a fast and easy route for things to be seen, heard, and copied. Our culture is very different than it was when our parents were young adults in good and bad ways. Nowadays, everything is all about what everything looks like on the outside and what everything looks like to other people. We are consumed in social media and our value is based on what our peers see us as. Sex is seen as something that everyone does at younger and younger ages, it's not seen as something that happens only between two older people who care for each. In some cases, while sex seems to be viewed as more open, in other aspects our culture is still very conservative and closed off about it. It seems like women are supposed to portray that role, but not carry out the actions that accompany it. The expectations associated with this vary from family to family, or from person to person. However the expectations in my family are that I go to college, get a good job, and start a career. Live life how I want to and then when I’m ready emotionally and financially, start a …show more content…

In the older generations in my family the expectation was that the women should be the one’s to stay home, take care of the kids, cook, clean, and attend to the house. That the women are there to serve them and because the men are the one’s who do the “hard work” it should be expected. Nonetheless, saying all of that the men in my family treat the women with the up most respect and care. They are very respected and cared for by everyone and their husbands. It is only expected of them to do what the men believe is a woman’s job. The generation of my mother and older cousins that age are almost the same, with the difference that some of their husbands don’t expect that role of; you’re the women so you must stay home, cook, clean, and do everything for me. However, my mom and most of my older female cousins, my moms age, tend to do what they need to do be a great mom, have a job and then on top of that, make sure that their husbands don’t have to really do anything around the house, just as my grandma and great-grandma do and keep with the traditional gender-roles along with the new age of having their own

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