Linnea Brodin
May,31, 2023
2000 words
The Detrimental Impact of the Indian Act on Indigenous Women in Canada
The Indian Act, a piece of legislation with a complex and controversial history, has had a detrimental impact on Indigenous women in Canada. The Indian Act is a colonial relic of 1876, however, it has a lasting impact on modern-day Indigenous peoples in Canada. The consequences of the Indian act for Indigenous women in Canada have been extensive, causing the loss of Indian status, triggering high rates of missing and murdered Indigenous women, and inflicting intergenerational trauma throughout communities.
Firstly, the impact of the Indian Act on Indigenous women determines their Indian status. Indian Status determines an indigenous person's various rights and benefits, and services provided by the Canadian government. It gives legal acknowledgement of an indigenous person's heritage and affiliation with a first nations band. If you have Indian status it also means that you have the right to live on reserves, share in band monies, vote for band council and chief, and inherit band property (shaping Canada, 270). It also grants hunting, fishing and other land use rights.
The original intent of the Indian Act in 1876 was to
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It weighs heavily on the hearts and minds of Indigenous women, casting a shadow over their daily lives and shaping their interactions with the world. It seeps into their relationships, affecting their ability to trust, to love, and to heal. It stifles their dreams and aspirations, robbing them of the opportunities and resources they need to thrive, let alone just survive. But amidst this darkness, there is resilience, strength, and an unwavering spirit. Indigenous women are reclaiming their voices, their cultures, and their power. They are leading the charge for change, demanding justice, and working tirelessly to break the chains of intergenerational