Similarities Between Malawi And Guinea

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Take a moment to consider Malawi, or North Korea, or Guinea. It is likely the words underdeveloped, poor, or unstable came to mind. And it’s true, Malawi and Guinea are two of the poorest, least developed countries in Africa, while North Korea is void of democracy. These countries are not defined as W.E.I.R.D. (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich, Democratic). Today, WEIRD countries are the bellwether of the world through their world standing, the rights of their people, and overall power. But what events in history brought these certain countries to the forefront, and was it inevitable that these countries came out on top in the battle for world prestige. It was inevitable that WEIRD societies would dominate socially, politically and economically …show more content…

Imperialism was all about power, because whether it was militarily or economically, the country taking over needed ascendancy to assert their influence and control onto another. It isn’t too hard for one to make the assumption that the small, underdeveloped countries are not going to be able to assert control, therefore, because the developing countries are not WEIRD, they will be the ones taken over. In addition to having their economy and government controlled for them, the long term imperialism drains their small scale industry and resources. Instead of being their own country, they are the epigone of another. So, imperialised countries had a pause button pressed on their political growth. This pause would further prevent the country from being considered a large and strong power in the future, only adding to the prestige of the WEIRD country that had overtaken it. Industrialization insured lasting political power for rich and powerful …show more content…

According to the textbook, the enlightenment swept through all of Europe and the colonies. These societies are predominant today because the enlightenment was the first step to democracy in the 18th century world. Like Thomas Jefferson says, “Information is the currency of democracy” because the Enlightenment to revolutionary transition requires free flow of information, and democracy relies on an educated public to make rational and logical decisions for their community. Therefore, wealthy educated countries are the only ones able to build a democracy. Democracy creates and requires a generally more informed and thoughtful public that has a focus on humanism and skepticism. According to “The Declaration of Rights of Man”, “The principle of any sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation” this creates a steadier government body than a monarchy with all the power in one person. Democracy in WEIRD societies guaranteed social domination because of the fair treatment of citizens and the steady government provided along with

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