Importance Of Agriculture In Agriculture

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Agriculture sector:
Agriculture plays an important role directly and indirectly in generating economic growth. It gives sustenance to customers and strands for local industry. It is a wellspring of rare foreign trade acquiring and gives business to mechanical products. Agriculture has solid regressive and forward linkages with industry as it is the biggest buyer of farm inputs, for example, chemicals, fertilizers and machinery and supplies raw material to textile and food processing industry. A real piece of the economy relies on upon cultivating through creation, transforming and dissemination of major agricultural commodities.
Agricultural Price Policy:
This policy is a tool to influence the price of agricultural product. It is on motivator to the maker to create a specific item agreeing the desired amount.
Agricultural price policy is a policy in which government assumes a part in impacting or deciding the costs of agricultural inputs and outputs. Output pricing includes obsession of help or obtainment costs of different agricultural crops, while input pricing provides information estimating alludes to subsidies on seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, machinery, water, electricity, fuels, and farm credit. These two parts of estimating are between related as expense of creation is a paramount component in the determination of production costs.
Agricultural price policy is a macroeconomic policy which has an impact upon the allocation of resources, income distribution,