It makes me proud when I see the American flag flying in the sky, makes us honor our heroes and sports stars, and it makes us remember the people who fought for the independence of our country. The flag flies tall and proud in so many places across America, the world, and even on the moon. Today, one hundred fifty million flags that are sold per year. The American flag brings together Americans as one united nation. “The American flag, Old Glory, standing tall and flying free over American soil for 228 years is the symbol of our beloved country.
In Molly Ivins publication of “Get a Knife, Get a Dog but Get Rid of Guns”, she brings up an interesting argument from the well-known thriller titled Jurassic Park. In this movie one of the main characters makes a statement that power without discipline, is making society into a wreckage. From what I can infer individuals who are power-driven or do not fully understand discipline are at danger, not only to themselves, but people people that they have authority over; at times with little to no regard for their well being. It is this ideology that can do great harm in many different ways. Ivins makes this comparison with the argument of American individuals, and their belief about the Second Amendment and how those individuals interpret their
I say this to you because it is all of this country 's veterans that make this country great, and this country would be a total disaster without you. I also want to say this because you chose to defend this country and without you there would be no army and no military, so I thank you veterans
What the United States Flag Stands for The flag of the United States of America is a symbol of freedom and democracy. As I walk up the narrow steps in front of my high school every morning, it sways in the forceful breeze as a constant reminder of those who have come before me and will continue to protect my rights as an American citizen. I am honored to live in a country that has men and women willing to sacrifice everything so I have access to my rights. Men and women who give up the comfort of their families to protect mine.
In conclusion, we should always remember those who fought and are still fighting for us not just one time a year but everyday. We should be thankful for a veteran, because we have freedom to do the things we love where some countries do not get that privilege. We can hunt , fish, play basketball and see our friends and family. Some countries don’t get the freedom that we do.
Ninety-eight years ago, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice was declared between Germany and the Allied Nations in World War I. One year later, it was celebrated as Armistice Day to honor the cause of world peace. After World War II and the Korean War, it was renamed Veterans Day, dedicated to American veterans from any war. The transition from Armistice Day to Veterans Day seems appropriate, for we would not have peace if we did not have veterans. But the implication that veterans are mere preservers of order is a vast misrepresentation; they do much more for our nation.
When citizens of the United States stare up at their national flag - the 13 stripes and the 50 stars that represent the freedom their ancestors fought tooth and nail for - they probably fail to remember the lessons they were taught in school about the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and the world wars. In these wars, men fought for their country’s freedom, tossing their own life behind them. Should the country that is being protected by brave men and women ignore their efforts and their struggles? No, and if they were to, they would have to hold no pride for their country, and even less for the struggles of their ancestors. One way America honors veterans is Veteran’s Day.
Conclusion, Veterans are American heros because they fight for our country.
The US has grappled with many questions about society’s obligations as to whether or not to offer services and benefits to the men and women in the armed forces. Supporters argue that helping veterans will help the society as whole and opponents argue that we shouldn’t be increasing our federal government spending in repaying veterans. Although I do see where people can argue that we are spending too much money on helping veterans after war, I believe that the government owes them for what they have done for the country, despite the cost. The government owes certain benefits to veterans because the men and women in the armed forces deserve to be welcomed home with a generous system of services for what they have done for the country. Helping veterans goes way back all the way to the 1600s.
America’s gift to my generation consists of the Declaration of Independence and the First Amendment of the Constitution. The two documents are relevant to american history which impacts our day to day living. The Declaration of Independence is the most significant gift America has given to my generation, because it gave birth to what is known today as the United States of America. On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress declared that the thirteen colonies were a new nation, and that the United States of America were no longer part of the British Empire. Two days later on July 4, 1776, Congress officially adopted the Declaration of Independence, and as a result the date is celebrated as Independence Day.
They had to put themselves in danger everyday, and they still kept us safe. They protected our country no matter what it took even if it meant they might never see there family again. So veterans should be remembered with respect and honored
There have been many gifts given from America in my generation. The one I cherish the most, is all the sacrifices Americans in the generations before mine have given. I consider them gifts because those sacrifices are what made America what it is today. It all started when the first colonists came over from Great Britain to start the new colonies. They lacked most of the skills needed to even survive in the new world, yet they still wanted to try.
What the men and women who fought and are fighting, they are the ones who gave my generation what we have now. They gave me freedoms some people cant even dream of. They gave my generation so many freedoms. The ones im going to talk about are just some.
A responsibility that Americans have is to show pride our country. Having pride in America can mean many different things. Maybe you hang a flag from the house on Fourth of July. Maybe you hold the door open for that stranger, or you pick up that trash on the side of the road.
Independence is also one of my favorite gifts from America because we have authority. We choose our own decisions. We also have independence on picking schools. No one has the right to tell us whether to go to a catholic or public school. Also, we have independence on beliefs in which we can pick our own religion, and we are not forced to pick one.