Importance Of Caste System

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Caste system is a social form of governance which is based on customary rules and regulations and hence has formed social framework for the people of India. It creates the division of castes on the basis of birth which are fixed since ages. The peculiar nature of caste system is that it creates divide and inequality is being evident as one can see the social group on the top of the hierarchy enjoys the rights with less duties as freedom is meant for them only, on the contrary the group on the bottom has only duties to perform with no or less rights. The law of the caste system is still being followed very strictly with enforcement of penalties on those who try to divert from the social framework.
Thus, Inequality is the core of the caste system and constructs the social, moral and legal foundations of the societies.
What is caste-based discrimination? The UN defines this kind of problem as ‘discrimination on the basis of work and descent’. “It is an ancient form of oppressive, hierarchical social organisation that ordered people according to their family of birth. It has remained in place despite its legal abolition because of its religious sanction, the social and economic persecution of those who broke caste ‘rules’ defining the work done and the segregation between castes. The Brahminical system stated that those born into families not recognised within the major caste categories would be ‘untouchable’ and could never come into contact with the