Importance Of Education In The Philippines

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The Philippines is no more left out on how the world elevates itself to higher standards as it gradually begins to adapt to the international education system. The initial step taken was the implementation of the K-12 education system, which was started by the Aquino administration. In this scheme, the government has annexed two years plus kindergarten to the usual academic timeline. Recently, another step was taken. The country’s biggest universities began to shift from the traditional June-to-March academic calendar to August-to-June. This is coequal with the United States and the majority of the European countries which start their academic year around mid-July to first week of September. Some of the Filipinos believe that implementing this new academic calendar in their country will be unnecessary and insignificant, but others think that it would be beneficial to all Filipino students and would improve the Philippines’ educational system and of course, the country itself together with its citizens. Surely, the change in the start of school year will help students become globally competitive and embrace a better quality education. All schools in the whole country of the Philippines have already adopted the K-12 education system, but only a few major universities have adopted the new academic calendar. Though this is the case, there are already some arguments regarding this issue. Even those who work for the government are divided when they come to talk about this. Some