Importance Of Inclusive Education Essay

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If you have come here today this means that you want change. You care about this world, our society and you wish to find someone who cares as much about it as you do. You want to find out whether or not I might be this person. I will not waste any more of your time and tell you that I do. I will tell you that there is one thing we should focus on, inclusive education. Recently inclusive education has become law in the Netherlands which means that all children, even those with learning disabilities, should be able to go to ‘regular’ education. When I was a young girl I went to secondary school like many the teenagers in our beloved country. School can be a really tough place. People get bullied all the time. People are being laughed at for being different. Life as a teenager, contrary to popular belief, is not all falling in love and partying. I had a classmate in those days, he was an autistic boy. At that time he was one of the only ones and naturally many people laughed at him and asked him to do stupid things that would make him the joke of the school all under the pretence that he would be ‘cool’. Now this boy, let’s call him Mike for now, did all those things, believing that the people who asked him to do them were his friends. My teachers had a hard time dealing with Mike, as they often did not understand what to do with him as he needed special attention. Now that I have become a teacher myself and am confronted with inclusive education I realise that I have to find