Motivational Factor In Today's Competitive Work Environment

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1) Job satisfaction: Job satisfaction is regarded as the most important motivational factor in today’s competitive work environment. The importance of job satisfaction can be estimated with the fact that its absence is considered as a sign of one quitting a job. Motivation and job satisfaction are two factors which totally complement each other i.e. if one increases other increases as well and vice versa. Job satisfaction can be understood as emotions or feelings with which employee views his work. It has been found that the employee don’t feel motivated to work however good the salary and incentives are, until and unless there is high job satisfaction. …show more content…

The importance of promotion as a motivating factor can be understood with the fact that every year employees eagerly wait for their promotions and a good promotion fills them with enthusiasm and responsibility. Promotions act as a emotional motivational factor which is having deep reaching implications.
Promotions results in career growth of an employee, thus motivates him to perform efficiently and enthusiastically. The importance of promotions as a motivation factor is also proved by Herzberg’s theory which says that opportunities for promotions are more likely to motivate better performance.
3) Recognition: Every employee wants to be recognized for the work that they do. If some employee is not getting any kind of recognition even after putting his full efforts, he tends to feel motivated. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs supports this argument and puts the esteem needs at the fourth level. Esteem needs includes recognition of work along with achievement and recognition. Various organizations have also understood the importance of recognition of work and have introduced various awards and incentives like star of the month or best employee award to keep the work force motivated. Thus recognition given correctly acts as a motivation factor not only for the employee receiving it but also for the …show more content…

But the question is what do we mean by good working conditions? Most people equate good working conditions with physical safe working environment. But good working conditions have two major components to it: physical working conditions and psychological working conditions. Physical workplace can be understood as physical environment and its impact on safety and the work of employees. When people work in unorganized and untidy areas, the productivity of work tends to suffer. In contrast, when their surroundings are tidy and clean, the productivity of work improves. Psychological conditions can be understood as a sense of equality amongst the employees. There are laws present help employees address harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age,