Importance Of Motivation For Learning

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Motivation is important for learning as it is the main driving force for students to complete assigned tasks and gain knowledge. Everything the student does is powered by some kind of motivation. It’s important to note that, the student might be either motivated by some factors or even demotivated. While some students are naturally enthusiastic about acquiring knowledge, others may need their teachers to inspire and challenge them. Obviously, there is no single formula of motivation for everyone. Every student is motivated by different values such as: desires, wants or necessity. The aim of this paper is to review research conducted on student motivation. My goal is to find out which are the main factors that influence students’ motivation for learning. Also, in the process, figure out teaching techniques which could help rise student’s motivation to learn.
1. Background and Significance …show more content…

However, high-achieving students who usually do not realize their potential for intellectual growth most often are left with no farther attention and go unrecognized. This is what most of the teachers believe that the students who do well in school do not have motivational problems. However, this is not the case. The problem of education today is that students are being divided into two groups. Group 1. Well doing students-are highly motivated. But no one knows where this motivation comes from. Group 2. Low achievers students-are not motivated. What should be done is both groups to be monitored by teachers and also interviewed. A lot of work and research must be done with both students and teachers, because both teacher and student should cooperate. It’s a fact that not only the student but also the teacher can and should be