The Importance Of Play In Young Children

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Essay on play

Importance of play.
Play is the most important way that young children learn. Through play, children learn about the social, physical, emotional, and cognitive worlds around them. As they play with adults, they learn new vocabulary, understand culturally determined rules and roles such as how to treat one another, and build important emotional connections. When they play with their peers, they learn that others have perspectives, rights, and feelings that may conflict with their own. Playing with others is how children learn reciprocity and mutual respect, essential traits humans need to coexist in a peaceful world.
Play in the theorists’ view. Here are few definitions of play by different …show more content…

3- John Dewey
Play as Preparation John Dewey was a prominent theorist in the early 1900s. According to Dewey, play is a subconscious activity that helps an individual develop both mentally and socially. It should be separate from work as play helps a child to grow into a working world. As children become adults, they no longer "play" but seek amusement from their occupation. This childhood activity of play prepares them to become healthy working adults. different types of play There are many different types of play and children can be involved in more than one type at any time. Here are some type of play.
1-Creative play
Creative play involves children exploring and using their bodies and materials to make and do things and to share their feelings, ideas and thoughts. They enjoy being creative by dancing, painting, playing with junk and recycled materials, working with play dough and clay, and using their imaginations.

2-Games with …show more content…

Observations take place naturally during everyday activities and interactions. While some observations may relate to a need to find out about children, resources or spaces in a general way.
Method of observation
Children use their bodies and minds in their play. They interact with the environment, with materials and with other people. 2.Adventurous and risky: Play helps children to explore the unknown. The pretend element offers a safety net that encourages children to take risks. 3.Communicative: Children share information and knowledge through their play. Their Play communication can be verbal or non-verbal, simple or complex. 4.enjoyable: Play is fun and exciting, and involves a sense of