Because news reporters are no longer the only ones to present information, citizens feel their way into the story, thus creating many layers of journalism. This use of affective publics does have both pros and cons, however. With many citizens presenting their beliefs, news on social media is powered by affective statements of opinion, fact, or a blend of both. In other words, many persuasive statements are opinion based rather fact based. On the other hand, with a large portion of society starting to dominate the media industry, citizens can emphasize and expose many underrepresented
Malcolm X famously said, “The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power, because they control the minds of the masses”. Although the modern media is powerful, it is always changing not only technologically, but in the way journalists report and act. Commentary over the last several years has centered on the negative changes of the media that journalists are unethical, stories are approval driven, and opinion is included in the news. Many Americans as well as journalists are concerned in the apparent decline in moral of the media.
The Cease of Journalism in the Digital Age Waking up on a Sunday morning, enjoying a freshly brewed mug of coffee, relaxing at home reading the newspaper… to most Americans, this would seem like an ideal leisurely weekend. This has been a social norm for almost a century up until only recently. Now, we find ourselves lazily staying in bed catching up on social media, text messages, and the occasional news blurb located conveniently within our smartphones. Because of this conveniency, technology has had a considerable negative impact on traditional journalism during the last decade.
Have you ever listened to a news story and thought it sounded one-sided? Or have you thought the news didn't seem to report the whole story or the most important aspect of a story? Journalists possess the power to influence a whole group of people with their work. When writers input their opinion, they generate bias. Consecutively, this influences a reader's reaction to a topic.
September 20th on the CBC News website a story published titled “Dudley George's brother in serious condition after being accidentally set on fire”. This story explains a celebratory walk done by Kettle Point First Nations that took a turn when a group called Stony Point set a protest fire in front of a military camp that was just agreed by the Ottawa government to be returned to the First Nations. The fire was set to show that not all band members where in support of the agreement that was made. Perry Neil Watson George was caught on fire and is now suffering from second degree burns. The story also mentions Dudley George, Perry's brother who was shot in a protest in 1995, and the accusations made by the Stony Point people that there chief is buying votes.
Katie Couric, a well known American journalist once said, “They like being able to turn on the television day in and day out to see someone that they know and they feel comfortable with and trust hopefully and respect even.” (“Katie Couric Quote”) Essentially, a television journalist welcomes themselves into homes all over the world everyday and it is up to the resident to put their whole trust in them. Telling people the news can be difficult, but it is also an experience that the journalist and the viewers experience together. It is the trust of that journalist that creates viewership and the urges to turn to certain channels when gathering news.
In America, the 1980s was a time of political change, social tension, and music by Madonna. It was a decade full of new technologies and big changes. Journalism and other forms of media also saw many changes in the 1980s that helped it advance into the industry it has become today. Perhaps the most influential changes in journalism in the 1980s were a newfound competitiveness in the market caused by money, the advancement of cable television, and the deregulation of media during the Ronald Reagan administration.
Brian Williams is the editor of NBC Nightly News. In his essay “Enough about You” it addresses a big issue that social media is taking over the news world. He states that with social media news getting so popular he is losing viewers because of the American culture that has changed and people are only worried about themselves. A good point he uses is of how using the internet give us the ability to get the information that we only want to see and hear. It also allows us to not hear or see the information that we might not want to know about.
Freedom of expression is one of the laws the forefathers of America made to empower its citizens and also enables them to live in peace amongst themselves. In most countries around the world, freedom of expression does not exist, so there is always war in those countries. In the article “Why the First Amendment (and Journalism) Might Be in Trouble”, the authors, Ken Dautrich, chair of the Public Policy at the University of Connecticut and John Bare, who is the vice president for strategic planning and evaluation at the Arthur M. Blank Family foundation in Atlanta, conducted a research study on the importance of freedom of speech. They used their research findings to support freedom of expressions. They employed claim of policy, claim of fact and also appeal to pathos and logos in their argument of the importance of the freedom of speech.
Mandated Reporters are persons who, as a result of their profession, are more likely to be aware of abuse or neglect of persons with disabilities. Mandated Reporters are required by law to report cases of suspected abuse to the Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC) when they have a suspicion that a person with a disability is suffering from a reportable condition of abuse or neglect. Other persons who are not mandated to report may choose to file reports of suspected abuse. Who are Mandated to Report?
Society expect to be constantly entertained; they have become so concerned with things such as who the latest star is dating, scandals, or dumb people doing rather idiotic things. Much of society have been consumed in their personal instant gratification and what makes them “happy”. When on an off chance that news does show things that are serious and impactful(not necessarily positive things that is happening in the world) people have become so numb that the best they could do is feel sympathetic and at worst continue on with their day. The other part of the problem is that those behind what is being published and shown on the news media have been absorbed in their avarice nature, whatever allows them to make as much profit they do. “Writing thousands of hours of coverage from what could have been summarized in a couple of minutes every few weeks, a new rhetorical strategy was developed, or-let’s be generous-evolved”(6), Saunders describes the new formula formed by mass news firms that would yield the most profit.
The central theme of media manipulation and the consequences of that are explained and uncovered in Ryan Holiday’s book Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator. Holiday offers a brutally honest insight into the world of PR and journalism, one that many people can have trouble accepting and one that makes us doubt every form of media and advertisement around us and exposes the twisted relationship between online media and marketing. In the beginning of the book, Holiday admits that he is a liar, but asks the readers to believe everything he says. As mentioned in an article published by Poynter institute, “He has a point to make, but he 's like the addict warning of the dangers of drugs, all the while snorting a line and shaking his head at how bad it is” (Silverman, 2012).
The media will pick and choose which topics to discuss according to the viewer’s ratings. The news media represent the news in a manner that will leave people coming back for more. They choose carefully what they want to report and by doing so they do not spread lies within the articles but what they choose not to tell the audience. The media shares what the people
The phenomena of impartiality and objectivity are the most popular objects for discussion in the circles of journalists and media experts nowadays. There is controversy whether these theoretical concepts have practical application and whether they are essential elements of modern journalism. In this case it is significant to understand what elements of impartiality are topical for contemporaneity and whether there is a need to strive for impartiality at all. First of all, it is important to understand the meaning of the word «impartiality».
Tabloidization is the change in the format of newspaper into the tabloid form and enhanced focus on entertainment and celebrities deviating from the serious issues. Media is the imperative as well the integral element of polity and the fourth estate of the democracy. The present trend of media is more of a show than a medium of delivering the news. Media has taken to gossips, sex and sensationalization which distracts the attention of the people from the real issues around the world. Glamour is now a regular dosage in the everyday newspaper, which gave birth to the so called page 3 culture.