Importance Of Reputation In Beowulf

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The reputations of the characters in the epic poem Beowulf are very important. The characters are much like modern day human beings. In today’s society all we seem to care about is our reputation. Beowulf is certainly interested in gaining his reputation and honor. Beowulf’s biggest concern just like most people in today’s society was how the world will see him. Beowulf was a strong, ambitious, and very confident warrior who wanted to keep his people safe but more than anything was just more worried about the title of being a hero. In the epic Beowulf goes into battle with a monster named Grendel, Grendel’s Mother, and the dragon. Unferth whom is a warrior that is jealous of Beowulf does not think Beowulf can defeat the monster Grendel due to his loss of a seven day swimming contest in the deep open sea against Brecca, Beowulf’s childhood friend. Beowulf could not sleep the night before the battle with Grendel: …show more content…

Grendel is known as the monster who has threatened the people of Herot for over 12 years because he can never share the joy that mankind shares. He envies all mankind because God blesses them with his glory but never him. Beowulf snapped the tendons and connective tissue deep in Grendel’s shoulder: “Muscle and bone split and broke” (34). Grendel escaped, wounded and Beowulf had gained new

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