Importance Of Security In The United States

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The United State is known for its freedom, but do we really have freedom or just too much security? In order to answer the question which one is more important, it’s better if we know what they mean. Freedom the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Security is the state of being free from danger or threat. The most important to us as citizens of the united state is “freedom”. The one that is more important is freedom but here in the united state they make it seem like security is the most important one. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad they have security but it’s too much when they invade our privacy. You tell me would you like for the government, YES the governments to be looking at your messages …show more content…

Same goes as parents they act all mean around you and act like they don’t like you but when they are around other people they all of the sudden love you and you ask yourself “what happen”, that is because when you guys are at home they are free to express their feelings but when they are out in public they see people looking at them and they think if they act the same way they do at home then someone will get involved to “protect” you that is security. The reason why the government supports security is because they had significant amounts of terrorism and they are just looking out for us. They main causes of terrorism are the 911, Boston bombing and there’s a lot more but that’s some that triggered the government to be looking out for use and also not having much trust in anyone. Security is very important but when it’s too much it’s no longer a protection but an invasion. But tell me what the point of having any of this if they don’t consider it as is. Freedom is to do whatever you want to do but we also need security so we don’t let too much freedom go out of control because it would be like the movie the