Jean Piaget 4 Stages Of Cognitive Development

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Cognitive can be explained as a process of mental thinking of knowing, remembering, perception, memory, judgement and knowledge. Social cognitive for young children can be say as the roles for children’s social and emotional development. It is important to understand how was a child’s environment can affect their development. For the current development of cognitive is between the relationships of pretend play to cognitive development because it can explore some cognitive components. According from Bergen & Coscia (2001), it is more likely that pretend play engages many areas of the brain because it involves emotion, cognition, language, and sensorimotor actions, and thus it may promote the development of dense synaptic connections. Key proponents …show more content…

The 4 stages of development are sensory (0-2yrs), preoperational (2-7yrs), concrete (7-11yrs) and formal operational (11yrs+). Sensory development is for infant and toddler stages, they acquire their knowledge through sensory and manipulating at this period. Preoperational is a stages of development through pretend play. At the concrete stages, they start to think logically and make hypothetical concepts. Once the processes have been passed, they will get into formal operational. In the stages of formal operational, the ability of think logically, abstract ideas and understanding are …show more content…

This is because all these rules can let children’s to know the limit. They will follow these rules whenever they are inside the area of the school. This also will help young children to set up their own disciplines. The pre-school teachers have set some social rules for their own children. For example, one of the teachers was told her students that when learning must sit properly and pay attention to teachers without talking. After learning time, they can play but with the rules of remain the peaceful of the class (example: no running around and no shouting). So that the children know that teacher are allow them to play with lower volume indirectly not disturbing others whom was still doing their