
My Philosophy Of The Center In Early Childhood Education

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The philosophy statement of the center in which I am working believes that each child begins to learn from the moment he or she enters the world and that each caregiver is a teacher to that child. They are committed to working with parents, the child’s first teachers, through communication and family support. From toileting to reading, they believe that physical, social, emotional and intellectual developments are as important as academic development. Children learn best when they are ready to learn, not pushed to learn.
The teachers work to understand children’s ages and stages and share their understanding with parents. They use a child sensitive approach to early childhood learning and teaching. They believe that academic skills and concepts are best learned through playful, adventurous activities that invite and hold children’s attention and engage all their senses. Their believe that young children develop their imagination and thinking skills …show more content…

Where safety limits are needed, teachers guide children’s behavior through positive directions and modeling. Teachers listen to and respect children’s feelings and teaching is done in constructive ay s to work with those feelings. They encourage children’s independence and active concerns for others, helping children build friendships and learn to play together and work well together.
After analyzing the routines, schedules, transitions and guidance of the students in the classroom, I came to the conclusion that they all reflect in general the philosophy of the center. The routines in the classroom are strictly followed. There is a daily schedule in each classroom according to their needs. The schedule of the Explorer’s classroom where I am practicing involves plenty of bathroom breaks due to the fact that they are children between the ages of 2 ½ and 3 years old. They just came out of the “potty training” classroom and they need to go the bathroom more

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