Soft Skills Essay

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It is often observed that personality development plays a significant role in contributing towards the industry. Gone are the days when having a degree was sufficient enough to land you to your dream job. In today’s world, the qualities which employers look for most importantly while hiring employees is ‘soft skills’ which is the reason of its popularity among all workplace. The term ‘soft skills’ implies to a person’s non-specialized aptitudes and capacities which has the caliber to develop a person’s ability to interact and to team up effectively.
Soft skills are the foundation of the hospitality industry. It plays an important role in personality development and assessment. It is a major key towards success. According to a Harvard study, 85% of one’s success at the workplace is attributed to soft skills and only 15% to technical skills. Here, employees are in direct contact with the customers on daily basis and a good interpersonal skills is essential for making a positive customer experience.
Soft skills helps in improving one’s performance. In short and snappy terms, people who have qualities for example leadership, time management, interpersonal skills and critical thinking will always have an edge over others in all prospective. Service quality is enormously important in the hospitality industry. Due to competitiveness everywhere, it has become very essential for the hospitality students to be well versed with soft skills as it tends to provide excellent and positive