Physical Therapist Scholarship Essay

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In high school I initially set out a goal to become a physical therapist. As time went on, I noticed my drive to become a PT waivered. To rejuvenate the process, I job shadowed a local PT at Saint Thomas Health. Although it was a great experience, it was not something I felt was a calling. With nursing however, I had a completely different feeling. Nursing wasn’t something I felt I wanted to do, but rather something I needed to do for myself, and others. Throughout visits to the hospital and health clinics, my contact with the nurses has been the most memorable. I have encountered many nurses; some who seemed to have tunnel vision, and others where his or her passion was evident from first contact. These individuals not only did his or her job well, but also inspired me. From there I did research about the profession, in addition to asking directly how different nurses liked his or her job. After gathering the information and having the opportunity to job shadow, I knew nursing was for me. I have something to give, and nursing will allow me to do that.
All things considered, a career is not always going to be fun, however it can be rewarding. Being an excellent LPN requires …show more content…

My development of soft skills started with having a sense respect for the position I was in, and for the individuals I came into contact with. Although I think soft skills are natural, the skills can further be nurtured by having confidence in oneself and abilities through hard work. For example, a nurse will come across someone who is facing adversity each day. It is important to be calm, and know the best way to handle the situation. Not only does the nurse need hard knowledge of how to solve the issue, the nurse must also display soft skills which will instill confidence inside the patient. I have obtained these qualities at a young age, and they have continued to shine throughout the

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