Importance Of Source Criticism In Literature

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The question about ‘why’ probes about the purpose or function of the writing of texts. Sometimes the purpose of the text has been stated by the author. Sometimes it is a hidden agenda, in which the exegete wants to reveals the purpose of the author by applying all critical approaches.
The question about ‘how’ searches the processes by which a writing came into existence. Source criticism helps much to exegete in this endeavour. Form criticism also helps to examine the forms and particular ecclesial settings of the material. Once source material is included in the final form of writing, it is edited or redacted to fit this new context. Asking questions about this editing is called redaction criticism.
Source Criticism guides the exegete to know the important questions relating to the source of the chosen biblical text to preaching. It helps the exegete to understand thorough understanding of the written text. The exegete now turns to the form critical method from the idea acquired in source criticism.
3.3. Form Criticism:
The Biblical text should be analysed according to their form. The form of the text has been occurred in a history for a particular reason. The form has to identify by the exegete. The exegete could not locate the message properly without the understanding of the form of the text. Form criticism analyses oral traditions of the scripture text. Kenton L. Sparks says that;
Form criticism is a method to trace out history of the form of the Biblical text.