Important Factors In Human Services Essay

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Important Factors in Human Service Organizations
Like any organization, Human Service Organizations face political, social, and technological factors that affect their day-to-operations and even their very existence. These factors are normally the result of the changes in society’s views toward social services, competition for resources, and advances in technology. One of the technological factors affecting the field is the lack of properly distributed cutting edge hardware and software. Another factor, which should be mentioned is a social factor, can easily be described as a sustainable workforce.
Cutting-Edge Technology Utilization of innovative hardware and software has allowed some major health and welfare providers increase the quality of services through integrating and sharing data with other agencies resulting in easier access to services, better-informed care plans, and lower costs resulting from the reduction service duplication (Dalton,20 15). However, this is not the case for many other agencies who are located within rural areas and low-income communities, like many South Carolina. Clients of these forgotten, yet essential local agencies are forced to …show more content…

Most cases of burnout are caused from workers dealing with big cases loads, difficult clients, lack of teamwork and poor management supervision(Susso,2012). Employee turnover can be devastating to a human service organization especially if the worker had significant tenure, the cost of replacing the existing employee, costs associated with the recruitment, selection, and development of that employee (Selden & Sowa,2015). Once again, the lack of resources and location will affect the speed in which a quality replacement worker may be