In-Game Lore: Good Grand Theft Auto

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Lore ties the entire game together. The ability to have a setting and historical concept developed makes the game appear realistic. To have a good storyline, the developer must know where the storyline is taking place. If the developer has no idea what time and place these events are happening, then the game will appear to be unfinished or jumbled. To find these audiotapes, logs, and journals, the lore should be apparent. Basing the lore strictly on these items found throughout games like BioShock and Fallout puts the setting in a historical context already. In 2017, you do not have audio files or journals being found – that was an 1800s scenario or even 1700s. Little items such as those can contribute to the in-game lore.
What makes for good …show more content…

The Grand Theft Auto games are closely based on the real world. The consistency throughout the games is what makes the game fun and exciting to play. The player notices things that are like the real world and they become invested in checking out what the rest of Grand Theft Auto has to bring. That and they see buildings and stores similar to that of the real word and it becomes intensely more realistic as the game progresses. The player then gets lost in the game because it is so similar to the real world.
In that same fashion, Darksouls’ lore requires the player to figure it out in pieces. The most important thing about lore is it’s the only thing that cannot be changed. The lore stays the same, which is why it needs to be consistent and easily found or figured out by the player. One thing the developer should get right the first time is the lore or else the entire game may need to be altered. In Darksouls, the lore is often rough and spotty in certain areas; but, makes it feel realistic. Nothing is the same as a writer or developer first wrote it, so it may be spotty and rough, but works out in the …show more content…

No matter what edition, how new-aged they get, or who develops the game. The lore will always stay the same. Throughout these games the storyline, setting, evolution, and lore have already happened. This results in the game being fairly complicated to change. Everyone, well most, know of the plot of Sonic, Mario and Mega Man. Either from the person’s specific childhood or from somewhere else. These games are a part of a specific simplistic lore, although, these games are franchises. In games, such as these, the lore is point blank said at the beginning. Mario does not require three hours of gameplay to reach the lore of the game. It is simplistic. Lore can so easily happen in one simple 8-bit game or one simple Sonic game.
Lore is as complicated as the developer wants to make it. However, the developer wants to have consistency and easy access. If journals or materials are to be found to unveil part of the lore to the player it needs to happen gradually and quickly. At that same time, it cannot be too much of it – that requires homework to know an important aspect of the