Inaccurate Portrayals Of Men And Women In The Workplace

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3 Issues:
1) Discrimination towards women in the workplace.
2) Discrimination towards men and women in education.
3) Inaccurate portrayals of men and women in the media.
One important issue that is associated with gender is the fact that women are discriminated against in the workplace. When a woman is hired some people say it is because of a quota, while others say it is because she is attractive. In some cases it is true that women are hired because of ulterior motives; however, most of the time they are hired because they are intelligent and qualified. There is a problem if many men think that a woman got a job for reasons other than being qualified. Women tend to experience more sexism at work and according to Reyes (2015) they also experience more abuse than men because of “gender inequality and power dynamics” (p. 900). Women tend to be paid less than men for performing the same job because some people think …show more content…

Men and women are hypersexualized, but it is worse for women. Kian, Vincent, and Mondello (2008) found that media coverage of male and female athletes is quite different. Women athletes receive less media coverage than the male athletes (Kian, Vincent, & Mondello, p. 224). However, when women receive media exposure they are overly sexualized and are not taken seriously (p. 224). I think it is wrong that female athletes, who are just as talented as male athletes are not receiving the respect they deserve. If people are going to be judged it should be based on their abilities, achievements, and goals; not their gender. Women are sexualized in the media, but they are not the only ones who are dissatisfied with their bodies because of the inaccurate portrayals. Hobza and Rochlen (2009) found that “men who viewed muscular images reported significantly lower body esteem” (p. 120). Therefore, inaccurate media portrayals are dangerous because they can lower a person’s

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