Independent Nurse Practitioner Essay

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The Independence of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
There has always been a struggle in the medical field as to the scope of work and the recompense of the Nurse Practitioners also known as NPs and the Physician Assistants also known as PAs (Buppert, 2005). They argue that they can do about 70% of what the Physicians do. They, therefore, feel like they should be allowed to practice independently and not under the direction of the Physicians (SCHNEIDER, 2010). This paper delves into finding what each of the professions entail and seeing whether it is appropriate for the elimination of the laws restricting the independent practice by the Physician Assistants and the Nurse Practitioners.
Training Undertaken by the Nurse Practitioners and the Physician Assistants …show more content…

In fact, a registered nurse obtains a nurse consultant guarantee when he or she advances from a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing degree, BSN, to a master’s or doctoral gradation and succeeds through a nationwide exam. Nurse consultants must shadow finished with sustained teaching and recertify after a certain amount of years. Nurse consultants may also need to apply for extra exams at the national level.
A doctor assistant or PA must also receive a master's degree. After this, a medical doctor assistant must succeed by taking a state certification test called the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE), and train under a trained doctor of medicine. Physician helpers must also complete continuing teaching and government licensure. Also, PA's have to recertify after a certain amount of time for another examination, which is called the Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam