Indonesia Essay

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Indonesia is a developing country with a large population, more than 240 millions of people and still increasing. In a country with that large of populations, Indonesia is facing number of problems. One of the big problems that Indonesia encounters now is in education generally. Financial, corruption, educators issue, school facility, education system, and curriculum are several problems in education that Indonesia need to solve.
In the video from TEDx Jakarta 2010, Mr. Anis Baswedan was focusing on educator problems that Indonesia is facing even until now. In Indonesia, the distribution of educator is not spread evenly across the country. Educators …show more content…

Some of them were already had a decent job whether in local or multinational company. It was mentioned in the video that there was a manager of local bank, manager of PNG in Singapore, Unilever employee, etc. But they choose to join this program and resign from their current job at that time. That showed us how they feel the responsibility for their people in this country. They chose to leave their comfort zone and take the difficult path to become a teacher in difficult places in Indonesia. It also shows their dedication for the better education of Indonesia.
Another aim of this program is to prepare the future leaders of Indonesia that have world class competence and also grass roots understanding. To reach that state, the young Indonesians need to get a better and higher education so they can have a broad knowledge.
With all the problem of education in Indonesia, especially the low quality of educators in remote area in Indonesia, hopefully this program will open the gate for the children in that area and give them the opportunity to have a better education. Simultaneously, the young Indonesians, that already have the opportunity to get a better education, will realize that they still have a responsibility to transfer their knowledge to others. Furthermore, hopefully the young Indonesian will have a better understanding about their country and become more responsible to develop education in