
Industrialization During The Progressive Era

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The industrial growth had began in the united states in the early 1800s and continued through the civil war, after the civil war american industry changed dramatically. Machines had replaced hand labour, inventors developed new products that the public wanted, and bankers supplied large amounts of money that business leaders needed to expand their operations. A new nationwide network of railways distributed goods far and wide. Industrialization had a positive impact/effect. industrialization led to urbanization, urbanization was the movement of people in the city and city building.Citizens wanted to live closer to the factories they worked at.

The period of US history from the 1890s to the 1920s is usually referred to as the Progressive Era, an era of intense social and political reform aimed at making progress toward a better society. Progressive era reformers wanted to eliminate unfair business practices,reduce corruption, and counteract the negative social effects of industrialization. During the progressive era, protection for workers were strengthened and woman finally achieved the right to vote. Progressivism began as a social movement and grew into a political movement. The early progressives rejected Social Darwinism. …show more content…

The war that made the United States become more of an imperial power was the Spanish-American War. By winning this war, the US got possession in the Philippines, Guam, and Hawaii. When Roosevelt became the president in 1900, he helped the US to become more of an imperial power by getting involved in Latin American affairs,and building the Panama Canal. By the time the United States entered World War I, it had already become an increasing imperial power. By the end of World War II, the United States was officially known as a

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