Work Place Motivation

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INTRODUCTION Oxford dictionary defines motivation as “Desire or willingness to do something”. Simple word has been studied over the years by different schools of thought: physiological, cognitive and behavioral. Theories have looked at one aspect or the other but none have been able to find complete answer. Question is why this simple idea has not been decoded. Answer lies in the simple fact is that motivation would change from person to person and hence there is no one single correct answer. Motivation at work place has been a very relevant topic of discussion over the years. From the first survey based study on motivation at work place conducted in 1946, we have been trying to find the ways to answer biggest challenge at work place. Challenge is to keep people motivated, especially those who have been doing same work over and over for years, for years so as to retain the best of the talent with the firm. In this report, we have tried to study motivating factors at work place. Based on the survey conducted along with the secondary research, we have tried to identify the factors that keep people interested at workplace. WHAT IS MOTIVATION? …show more content…

We all join the job as a fresher from school and have aspirations in life to reach to the top. Even with high aspirations, the way people look at the target is different. Some consider money to be the only criteria, some look for power and others for recognition. As proposed, each person has different hierarchy and the same level in the hierarchy of needs can be satisfied through different ways. Let us consider our example. A new person joins the firm of his choice. As he did so, he has already satisfied some of his needs for money, security etc. So can we now consider that he has moved to third level of Social needs? We think that is not the correct way to interpret the situation. We think, a person can be living in different level in the hierarchy at the same time. Confusing? Let us take our new joiner. He is getting a decent salary but looks for raised in salary, has a job security but keeps looking for options open around him and he also aspires for achievement which falls under self-esteem. So, at the same stage in life, he has physiological needs (money along with basic needs), safety (job security), Esteem