Influenza Epidemic Paper

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Influenza is a viral infection which is highly contagious. As it is transmitted through respiratory droplets the virus can spread quickly by coughs and sneezes. The symptoms last for about a week’s time on any healthy individual. There are three types of Influenza virus categories A, B and C (CDC.GOV 2015). Influenza A viruses can form different strains based on hemagglutinin (H) and the neuraminidase (N). There are 18 different H subtypes and 11 different N subtypes. Influenza B viruses doesn’t have any subtypes, but only strains. Influenza C virus cause only minor respiratory illness. Flu viruses change constantly which can happen slowly over a longer period of time or they can change suddenly. Due to the change the immune system fails …show more content…

A person with strong immunity will be able to defend the virus much better than someone with weak immunity. An Individual with chronic illness, those over 65 or infants / young people are more likely to get severe symptoms than adults and are at greater complication risks. Once affected by the virus there are several ways in which Homeopathy can be used to treat Influenza. The remedies are chosen based on the symptoms the individual exhibits. If the patient is tired and weak due to lack of muscular co-ordination and has headache and periodic fever, Gelsemium is the best to start with (Allen 2005; Phatak 2012). If the patient has sore muscles as well as cough and fever Eupatorium perfoliatum might be suited better. In 1918 epidemic Arsenicum album in minutest doses was helpful in most of the cases (Sheperd 2009). This was tried on patients who were already on high fever and other flu symptoms. Arsenicum album also helps if the patient has gastric irritations due to flue in the form of vomiting or diarrhoea. In the beginning of infection if carbo vegetablils or Bryonia or Ipecacuanha if given several times has been found to clear the symptoms and prevent any further respiratory infections. When the fever and other influenza symptoms start improving, Phosphoricum Acidium can be given to reduce the weakness of the body (Phatak 2012). Another remedy which tends to reduce exhaustion after fever is