Informative Essay: A Life In Junior High School

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Junior High is a huge start in your teen and adult life because this springs you up for high school, college, and the rest of your life. Jr. High launches you off an a path of success or failure, but you have to be willing to fail. In junior high you have the choice to become a leader or a follower and this influences the rest of your life. This informative essay will be stating facts about social life, academics, and personal responsibilities that you must have in to survive in Junior High. Academics are the main priority in all schools nationwide. Once you graduate into Junior High, your Academics and Curricular will transform and help you become smarter, more responsible and most important of all, boost your relationship with God. In Junior high you will have no tolerance what so ever, if you do not complete and finish …show more content…

Many people have friends at school and that is the only time we see them. I know that this is why many people come, but you really need to focus on your career because once Junior High ends you are already in highschool and after that you are in college and this will determine what path you want to be on. Relationships at school with friends and God are different than being in the real world. At Escondido Christian School you are allowed to freely speak and talk about God without being judged and yelled at. Even at public schools now they don't allow you to freely speak about your religion. This is your time to get a better relationship with him and your time to testify with the Lord. This is the time to really encourage your friends and classmates to pay attention and listen in on what is happening in chapel and bible class. Before I was in eighth grade i always used to mess around and laugh with my friends, but i soon realized how important it is. This will set you off on either a righteous path or a non righteous path that will determine how your life will be