Informative Essay On Pennsylvania

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Pennsylvania is one of the Middle Atlantic States of the United States which bordered by New Jersey, across the Delaware River in the East, Maryland in the South, West Virginia in the in south-west, Delaware in the south-east, Ohio in the West, Lake Erie and New York in the North (Infoplease “Pennsylvania.”) North Dakota is the state, which is located in north central United States (Infoplease “North Dakota.”) North Dakota is bordered by Minnesota, across the Red River of the North in the east, South Dakota in the south, Montana in the west and the Canadian provinces in the north (Infoplease “North Dakota.”) Pennsylvania’s climate varies according to altitude and region (WordTravels “Pennsylvania climate and weather.”) And also state has four seasons, each can vary in temperature depending on the location (WordTravels “Pennsylvania climate and weather.”) Summers are long, hot and clammy, mainly in the southeast (WordTravels …show more content…

And shortgrass species were found farther west (North Dakota Game and Fish Department “Vegetation.”) It is subjugated by warm and chilly season grasses as well as sedges (North Dakota Game and Fish Department “Vegetation.”) Most of the North Dakota is subjugated with shortgrass plain (North Dakota Game and Fish Department “Vegetation.”) The mixed-grass plain can be divided into eastern and western (North Dakota Game and Fish