
Informative Essay: The Benefits Of Aerospace Engineering

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On December 17, 1903, two brothers from Ohio took flight for more than a minute in an aircraft they made, according to History.com. That one minute changed the world and how people travel. They conquered what a lot of people were trying to accomplish, which was aerospace engineering. Aerospace engineering is the study and engineering by developing space and aircraft. A lot of things that we have today like planes, helicopters, and satellites would not exist without aerospace engineering. Aerospace engineering is a fun and challenging field to study, but it comes with many benefits. Aerospace engineering has many benefits, which is why it would be a good career. The best thing about aerospace engineering is the amount of education someone has …show more content…

Of course right out of college someone will have to work their way up to get the maximum pay but it does start out well also. According to TCC’s database Career Coach, a new employee will most likely start out getting paid around $45,300 a year. That’s pretty good if the person is right out of college. The maximum pay for a highly experienced aerospace engineer is around $117,402. That is almost three times has much as a new hire. That is pretty good money for just getting a bachelor’s degree. The average pay for an aerospace engineer is more like $76,318, which is still …show more content…

These are the locations of the companies or factories someone, might work in. For example, if someone is looking to work for NASA they might have to relocate to Tampa or on the other side of the coast near Kennedy Space Center. This would unfortunate for someone who doesn’t want to live in Florida. Florida is not the only place to work for an aerospace engineer because there are many different factories all over the United States to work on planes and other aerospace crafts. Since it might be hard to find a job, people might have to take what job they can find and might have to

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