
Inherit The Wind Pride Quotes

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At the beginning of "Inherit the Wind" by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, the character Matthew Harrison Brady is introduced as a very praised, well-respected man, an experienced politician and a fundamentalist that has very strong religious views. But as the trial continues, Brady loses a lot of his pride and confidence because of his experiences throughout the play. He lost most of his supporters that adored and admired him. At the beginning, the townspeople of Hillsboro, who view him as a hero defending their beliefs, welcomed with admiration, respect and approval from Brady. This is especially true when Brady first arrives in Hillsboro and meets everyone in the town. “MAYOR (Sincerely) Mr. Matthew Harrison Brady, this municipality is …show more content…

This quote shows how the townspeople see Brady as someone who is going to protect them by defending their faith. The townspeople believe Brady will stand up against anything that challenges their religion, like the teaching of evolution. His pride characterizes Brady's character and honors his accomplishments, like being a three-time presidential candidate. Brady’s pride contributes to Brady's character throughout the play. One way is how his pride makes him not accept that people can have different beliefs than him. Also, how even though they are not the same beliefs as him, they have equal value. This causes him to be closed minded and to not accept different viewpoints, like the teaching of evolution. At first, Brady's relationship with the townspeople boosts his sense of pride and confidence. “Friends- and I can see most of you are my friends, from the way you have decked out your beautiful city of Hillsboro- there is a pleased reaction, and a spattering of applause. When BRADY speaks, there can be no doubt of his personal …show more content…

Brady loses a lot of his pride, honor and confidence that he had in the beginning and feels humiliated by the end of the play. One reason that caused him to change was when Henry Drummond called Brady to the stand to question him. “BRADY (Hesitates- then) It is. . . possible€ Drummond’s got him. And he knows it! This is the turning point. DRUMMOND: Oh. I think so. You interpret that the first day recorded in the Book of Genesis could be of indeterminate length. BRADY (Wriggling): I mean to state that the day referred to is not necessarily a twenty-four-hour day. DRUMMOND: It could have been thirty hours! Or a month of a week! Or a year of a year! Or a hundred years of history! Or ten million years!” (Lawrence and Lee, 97). This quote shows how Drummond finally got Henry to admit that there could be a flaw in Brady’s belief. Meaning that there is a possibility that the theories of Creationism and Evolution could be true and could have both happened. This humiliates Brady in front of the courtroom since he is not able to defend himself or his faith. Another reason for Brady’s changes is that Brady's relationship with the townspeople changes as the trial continues. The townspeople question his judgment, and they are no longer his adoring supporters. He becomes frustrated once he realizes people are doubting him. “He takes the microphone and goes off. This is the final

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