
Inhum A Thematic Analysis Of Flawed

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Isaiah Sutter Mrs. Sever English 9 Honors B 1 March 2024 Inhuman—A Thematic Analysis of Flawed In today’s society, people who have committed crimes get labels such as “convict” and “felon” placed upon them. Although many do not realize it, these terms dehumanize such individuals, as they define them at their worst moments. In Flawed by Cecelia Ahern, a dystopian novel, a future country is described in which people who make moral mistakes are ostracized by society. Celestine North, a 16-year-old girl with a bright future, assists a Flawed man and is in turn accused of being Flawed herself. Throughout her novel, Cecelia Ahern emphasizes through Celestine’s life as a Flawed person how labels, lack of free will, and publicity create a loss of individualism for the Flawed people, resembling how these subjects cause certain people to not feel like themselves. First of all, labels placed upon people can influence others’ feelings about them, causing individuals subject to labeling to feel like a name or a title rather than a human being. For example, in Flawed, when Celestine returns to school after being deemed Flawed, the principal informs her dad that “a number of teachers...are not in favor of teaching Celestine” (Ahern 150). This statement shows that Celestine is being treated according to her Flawed title, rather than her character and …show more content…

One of the main goals of a dystopian story such as Flawed is to warn readers of what could happen in the future if human progress continues. In this case, the audience is warned about a possible loss of individualism in the future. As described previously, in modern society various examples of this trend can be observed. If this is allowed to continue, a society similar to the one seen in Flawed could develop, where people are dehumanized for minor

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