Inquiry-Based Project Essay

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This inquiry-based project has been finalized in the group discussion with children, we looked back what we did and learned throughout the project. Children actively participated in the conversations, recalled what did they do and discovered in the project activity, things they shared with their families and friends.

The project offered children ways of extending their knowledge and developing skills through a range of different types of project content, which including basic math measurement, science experiment, sustainability practice, etc. As young children are highly motivated to learn science concepts in the early years and have the foundation skills. (Observing, questioning, and experimenting) for science study addressed in the “ Young Investigator” by Judy and Lillian 2011. …show more content…

Children use the variety of resources to find answers to their questions, these include traditional resources like books. The project is rich with potential literacy experiences leading to accomplishments because reading enhances the investigation process and are used in clearly purpose ways. (Judy& Lilian, 2011). As children use books for resources, they begin to recognize letters and words.

The project had the added advantage of providing an opportunity for children to apply and use what they are learning as they solve problems and share what they know. It provides opportunities for developing group skills such as working with others and challenges children to think, which supports brain development. Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment, they develop an awareness of the impact of human activity on environments and the interdependence of living things. ( DEEWR,