Insomnia Informative Essay

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In America there are over three million diagnosed with insomnia a year. Insomnia is basically the inability to sleep. One instance of this sleep depravity is Andy Gardner. When Gardner was 16, in 1964, he stayed awake for 11 days and 24 minutes. This was voluntary, while for the average insomniac, without treatment, will involuntarily stay up for 45 hours. With the inability to sleep comes health concerns, begs the question why does America have such a high rate of the disorder, and if you don’t have insomnia, what it must be like to have this crippling habitual sleeplessness. Insomnia comes with several alarming health concerns. Cognitive functions make you up in a sense. The brain takes in information and then helps us make decisions on what is being perceived. With this comes your personality like introverted and extroverted. When being sleep deprived you perceiving and judging go hay wire and mistakes can be made. In the short term, called primary insomnia, it lasts up to three or four weeks. People with primary insomnia can experience irritability, yawning, and clumsiness. Primary insomnia is sleep where it doesn’t feel like you are sleeping. It’s non-refreshing. Long term …show more content…

Zack is a male of 22 years old. He is relativity healthy. He has secondary insomnia. He first noticed his symptoms at 14 years old. Zack has stayed up in the range of 36 hours consecutively. He has experienced depression, irritability, and has resorted to using medical marijuana. He has been unresponsive to all other types of chemical and hormone balancing pills. With Zack’s insomnia followed other health complications. He has experienced upper repertory issues and high blood pressure. When asked what he would say bothered him most about the disorder he responded, “It would have to be the depression. I want to try but I feel so void of motivation. I want to sleep and feel rested when I do. Half the time I feel