Inspire Collaboration: Super Busy School Librarians

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Deringer, Sarah. "Inspire Collaboration: A Quick and Easy Guide for Super Busy School Librarians." INALJ. N.p., 18 Sept. 2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2015. Any librarian is very busy with several duties, however school librarian or not, collaboration with other educators is primary. Sarah Deringer, Head Editor of INALJ, points this out in her article, Inspire Collaboration: A Quick and Easy Guide for Super Busy School Librarians. Deringer, explains the importance of having a connection with fellow educators. Even if a librarian a busy, there are still ways to encourage collaboration which the article discusses. Easiest things to do is be respectful, not be afraid to ask questions and always thank collaborating educators. At the end of the article Deringer