Integrating Technology In The Classroom

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There are a number of reasons to integrate technology in the classroom. Not only does the use of technology promote collaboration and teamwork, but it also supports students to be actively thinking, making decisions, and completing authentic tasks. Research suggests that the integration of technology in the classroom increases student engagement and enhances greater student learning. Additionally, students are more motivated, have greater writing competency, and expanded critical thinking (Keengwe, Schnellert, and Mills 2012) In this lesson, I am integrating technology into my instruction where my students will engage in a learning activity that requires complex thinking and cooperation with their peers. This lesson will enhance …show more content…

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. In this lesson students will interact, work together, and engage in discussion by sharing suggestions and comments to each others work to publish with their peers the classroom constitution.
Standard 4- Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. For this lesson students will read, analyze, and have well-argued results from researched documents from other schools for the students to make justified decisions for their own class constitution. They will use Google docs for their digital tool to allow student discussion with documented use to ensure student engagement.
Standard 5- Digital citizenship. Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. In this lesson, students will practice appropriate behavior by being positive while providing feedback to others suggestions and comments on Google docs regarding the …show more content…

By helping the students feel less pressured to respond a specific way in a group discussion, the use of an online discussion gives students a way to provide honest suggestions as well as to respond to feedback on their suggestions. Coronado High School is a suburban school located in south Las Vegas. This lesson is for high school level students enrolled in Principles of Leadership course. The current demographics of the area are: 3,122 for total enrollment, with the following percentages for ethnicity, 0.35% for American Indian/Alaska Native, 9.55% for Asian, 16.43% Hispanic, 4.52% Black, 60.51% White, 1.28% Pacific Islander, 7.37% Two or more race, and the following for special population, 6.69% IEP, 1.22%, ELL, 14.06% FRL, 0%