Intellectual Enhancement Initiative Action Plan

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The Intellectual Enhancement Initiative Action Plan. Initiative The Intellectual Enhancement Initiative (IEI) is an approach that aims to improve the academic performance of every student at Penrith Selective High School. To accomplish this, students will be divided into ‘EduGroups’ within their classes, each group will contain individuals from differing socio-economic statuses and intellectual abilities. These students will work collaboratively to prepare for tests, assignments and specific homework tasks; however, they will still need to submit these assessments separately and ensure that they meet the nature of the task. These EduGroups will only act as study groups and assist in preparation for tests and managing assignments. Additionally, a leadership body, the IEIC (Intellectual Enhancement Initiative Council), will monitor the progress of these groups and run workshops to combat any challenges. Rationale Although Penrith Selective High School is renowned for its academic excellence, socio-economic segregation of its students has negatively impacted their educational potential. A large proportion of social groups at the school are based either upon social status (e.g. athletic students prefer to be …show more content…

Since students will interact with other individuals that they do not associate themselves with, they will be encouraged to remove any stereotypes or prejudice, instead they will develop acceptance and mutual understanding with their peers. Moreover, the EduGroups will create an inclusive school community and mutually benefit all students, decreasing the academic range and increasing student achievement and initiative. Additionally, these team-building, leadership and communication skills will be extremely beneficial for students in the future, especially in projects that require collaboration and