What Accommodations Are Listed In The Case Study Student's Iep?

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Name: Joy Miller Accommodations Assignment 1. Case Study Student’s Name: James Rojas 2. What accommodations are listed in the case study student’s IEP? Directions and questions read aloud, electronic tablet with screen reader, reduce distractions, and extend time. 3. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? What subject areas will you teach? Social Sciences 4. What are some of the skills necessary to be successful in a course in your subject area? Students need to be able to read and comprehend primary and secondary sources, know how to construct arguments, and be able to discuss historical events and patterns with classmates. 5. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Based on the information in the IEP and in the …show more content…

6. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Based on the information in the IEP and in the written case study, what are some of the student’s weaknesses that will make it difficult for the student to be successful in a course in your subject area? James struggles with reading, decoding and comprehension. This will make it difficult for him to analyze primary and secondary sources, one of the major skills developed in social studies classes. 7. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? Do you feel that the accommodations listed in the IEP are sufficient to allow the student with disabilities to work successfully in a course in your subject area? I think the accommodations listed in the IEP are a good starting point to help James succeed in the classroom, but I think he may need some additional accommodations as reading comprehension is such an important skill when studying social studies. If I were James’ teacher, I would start by integrating the accommodations listed in the IEP and see how James does in my