Interest Group Report

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The Interest Group: Simulation Centre is ’n group within the School of Medicine and report directly to the Head SoM/Dean.


The Interest Group strives for proactive cooperation in the development and promotion of simulation in the School / Faculty, with a special focus on teaching and learning within the framework of the following UV policies:

• Teaching and Learning plan;
• Teaching Policy;
• Quality Assurance Policy;
• Assessment Policy.


The Interest Group:

• Have no executive or implementation authority;
• Care for matters concerning the Simulation Centre within the School of Medicine. The Interest Group inquire into matters and issues concerning simulation, make recommendations, …show more content…


The principal role of the Interest group is:

• To make decisions where teaching principles regarding simulation is put to the test (after debate, brainstroming, ad hoc meetings and discussions)
• Direct teaching and training in simulation within in the SoM by taking into account the National, University and Professional Council’s policies and guidelines, laws and regulations;
• To formulate together with other stakeholders, academic policies around simulation and procedures and to develop guidelines to be implemented;
• To provide guidance on teaching strategies, policies, curriculum development activities, assessment and good practice;
• To give direction to all staff on simulation training in the SoM in so far it is related to education issues, documentation and decision making;
• To discuss points of interest and to test if decisions was based on approved principles; and
• To study and evaluate motivations and then approve scenarios in so far it is simulation teaching and training related.

5. MODUS …show more content…


The Interest Group meet quaterly. The agenda is determined on the basis of matters previously brought to the attention of the Executive Management of the Interest Group.

6.1 Frequency of meetings

Four meetings will be held annually, recommended once a quarter - as indicated on the FoHS calendar..

6.2 Assembly language

Meetings will alternate between English and Afrikaans per meeting (if necessary) as per Faculty Policy.

6.3 Logistical arrangements

Meetings will be held in general in Room A112 in the Francois Retief building.

6.4 Reporting

The agendas as well as the minutes will serve at Phase 3, Education Committee and management meetings of the School of Medicine serve.

6.6 Procedures


• Points for discussion should be submitted to the Executive Committe of the Special Interest Group on the last seven days before the meeting.
• The agenda will be send to to members via e-mail four days before the meeting.


Minutes will be taken, be typed and electronically distributed to all members not later than ten days after each