International Hrm Case Study: Brunt Hotels

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International HRM Case Study - Brunt Hotels.
University of People
BUS 2207
Professor Frank Billingsley
July 19th, 2017.

International HRM Case Study - Brunt Hotels.
The aim of this essay is to describe an International HRM Case Study - Brunt Hotels and to answer all questions form the written assignment task. To further entail other requirements, this paper is aimed to at least 5 page length, font size 12, double spaced, Bookman Old Style font, and lastly include a source list.
(Activity A) Based on the information you have at the end of Part 1, what do you think the key priorities should be? (use your own words - do not copy and paste from the text)
The first priority is to open all hotels in France in time. The management should allocate enough resources to prepare the project plan with the clear timelines for each stage and unambiguous criteria for assessment of the successful completion of each stage.
Also they should keep in mind that the majority of people working in these hotels will be French. Taking into consideration the management decision to use an ethnocentric approach and send some of their existing UK-based managers to France, it is also necessary to develop a set of cross cultural trainings to boost the productivity of expatriates, to avoid conflicts and so on. It is not a secret that French people do not like British and the managers for the UK should be able to effectively manage this situation and to build good working relationships