Intervention Thesis

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Chapter V: Discussion
Overview of the Study Repeatedly, parents and teachers debate on why students have difficulties organizing their school supplies, homework assignments, maintain social roles, or other class activities. 5th grade elementary school students may find the transition to 6th grade overwhelming because they lack the necessary organizational skills to facilitate a successful transition. These students experience difficulty adapting to new class schedules and homework logs. Many 7th and 8th grade students also experience similar difficulties, despite the fact that effective routines for adapting to new schedules should have been previously established. In recent years, school districts have considered purchasing programs to help students bring up their …show more content…

The findings are consistent with previous research studies that present that the “Why try” program can enhance student-teacher relationships with the goal of helping students overcome academic challenges, complete homework, improve grades, and enhance outcomes in the areas of truancy and behavior.
Brief Discussion of Data and Results Collection Process
Past literature and studies have identified great benefits when intervention programs have been established to help students meet their needs early in their academic journeys. Poor academic performance, behavioral problems, and truancy are indicators that students lack motivation, self-efficacy, good study habits, and socio-organizational skills. The participants in the study consisted of 6 students, aged 11 to 12 years, who were enrolled in Common Core and honors classes in the 7th and 8th grade. Participants attended a middle school in a wealthy community in Northern San Diego County. Three females and two males participated in the study. All five participants were Caucasian students. These students were intentionally selected by the student-assigned