Interview Essay: Interview A Professional In Kinesiology

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Interview a Professional in Kinesiology As we embark on a profession in Kinesiology we have to ask what field best fits me and my personality. Originally I wanted to pursue a Physical therapy career. As I studied further and understood the education aspect Physical therapy I realized I wanted to be part of the boot camp perspective of wellness and fitness. I wanted to join in on the fun while educating my client as well. Also, I have dreams of owning my own business and building my own brand at the same time. I want clients to understand I care about my business but I care about them as well. By pursuing a career in Kinesiology it will allow me to communicate with people. I take pride in helping others with your healthy lifestyle and mental …show more content…

Her name is Jessica Escobar. Jessica has always struggled with her weight. She fought menacingly with depression and self-image. Ultimately she concluded that it all originated down to her non-existing healthy lifestyle and decided to make a change. She now works as a personal trainer at planet fitness. She's a newly certified trainer also ACSM Certified Personal Trainer. Her certification is about two years new. When I ask Jessica for the interview she was reluctant. I suppose she believed she didn’t have enough experience in the skill category to interview. I explained that it was perfect for someone who was new to the field and wanted know the true experience from a new …show more content…

One of my friends asks why I don’t do this for a living. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to take what was fun to me and turn it into a job. After I thought about for a while I felt like it was time to make a move. Also, I was a regular at planet fitness and knew all the managers. One day one of the managers ask if I wanted to work for them once I received my degree and or my certification. She loved my attitude and my wellness to encourage thoughts around me. I never in a million years thought I was getting to be truly working for the place I enjoyed being at all the

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