Investigable Question: How Does Light Affect The Protozoan Population

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Investigable Question: How does light affect the protozoan population?

Background: We had 3 jars, all the jars had 90 ml of water, and 0.9 grams of grass. We had saran wrap on the top of all the jars to keep the fruit flies out. Aside from making sure our water, and grass are the same. We put one under a bucket (minimum light jar). We put the other jar under the Fluorescent light (maximum light jar). We put the last jar on the window sill (Regular light jar). Then we took samples from all of the jars. Lastly we multiplied it by the scaling factor 2700.

Claim & Counter claim: Based on our data, the protozoans with the less light reproduced faster. However another explanation might be that minimum light jars grass had the most nutrients,

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