
Disadvantages Of Education In Ireland Essay

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In this essay I am going to discuss educational disadvantages in the Irish education sector and how it can be addressed. I will make reference to inclusive provision for children and parents, legislative development and curriculum and finally I will address the importance of working with parents. Education in Ireland is now looked at as being a central plank in the economic, social and cultural development of Irish society. (A Brief Description Of The Irish Education System). The majority of schools are state funded and cater for children from 4-12 years. Catholic primary schools, Gaelscoileanna, special schools etc. are only a number of the different types of schooling. The curriculum in each of these schools is child-centred allowing the adaptability in timetabling, it makes available for a comprehensive learning experience and it also encourages a vast variety of teaching methods that provide for the different needs and learning of the children. Education is compulsory in Ireland from age 6-16 years of age or until students have completed three years of secondary education. However, according to the Combat Poverty Agency, ‘‘an estimated 1,000 pupils do not transfer annually from primary to post-primary education’’. One of …show more content…

The Education Act 1998 defines educational disadvantage as “the impediments to education arising from social or economic disadvantage which prevent students from deriving appropriate benefit from education in schools”. But it is however not simply an education related issue, it is a multidimensional problem which affects the lives of children, adults and their families. It is rooted through factors associated with the

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