Irony In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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Heritage is important because that’s our link to the past. It helps us to understand our life and identity as individuals. Every family should remember their roots, and they should be proud of them. However, not every family member appreciates heritage equally. There is always someone who thinks that heritage is insignificant, and they keep a distance from their roots, for their heritage’s sake. In the story Everyday Use, Alice Walker is trying to convey us that the true meaning of heritage is in the everyday use while criticizing Dee’s lack of appreciation of her heritage. Alice Walker uses irony to tell a story about two sisters different intentions of using the quilts. The two daughters in the story- Dee and Maggie have a different understanding …show more content…

The quilts for Mama are valuable because they remind her of her family history. However, the conflict between Dee and Mama and Maggie is because Dee sees herself as better than they are. Dee thinks that Maggie won't appreciate the quilts the way she would. Mama thinks heritage is more family and traditions but Dee thinks it's more of something to display. However, Mama disagrees with Dee and gives the quilts to Maggie. For Mama keeping the quills in everyday life keeps the family history alive. That’s why she prefers to give them to Maggie because she despites Dee’s lack of education and her reverence for the past. Also, Dee values the quilts as a trophy ,"'what would you do with them?' 'Hang them,' she said. As if that was the only thing you could do with quilts"( Walker, 1973/2017, p.323). Dee thinks that the quilts are insignificant, and their place is hanged on the wall. However, Maggie values them because they were made by her grandmother. When she gets them ,"Maggie smiled; maybe at the sunglasses. But a real smile, not scared"( Walker, 1973/2017, p.324). She will use them for something in her every day life like keep warm with the quilts when she is