Irony In The Yellow Wallpaper

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There was once a time where women had no say, they had no effect on society and they were looked upon. Women weren’t granted the chance to express themselves and they went allowed to do what they wanted. Only thing women were allowed and or expected of was to bear children and keep the house up. In the story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman the word feminism is the main theme. The narrator had it tough because she was so controlled by man that she could do what was best for her. The irony in the story is the narrator having really bad issues with anxiety and depression. Irony comes into play when the woman’s husband john who is a doctor determents that there is nothing really wrong with his wife which despite the fact that …show more content…

She was robbed her of passion for writing, so she had to deceive her husband into her being able to write because he wouldn’t let her. She was in need of that release and usually when one is in need of a certain release and they are told that they can’t get that, they’ll deceive a person into getting that very thing they are told they cannot have. Jane was also suffered depression because her husband only wanted her to rest. She was locked up in bed and was not let outside to help allivate her nervous condition. Jane delevops an attachment to the wallpaper and this shows us that her condition is only leading her to a mess. She wasn’t dealt with properly and in fact she wasn’t cared for like she should have been. She was locked up for too long and only being able to look at the wallpaper didn’t and really couldn’t help her. There was treatment for this condition but it wasn’t put into action for her. Jane also dealt with abandonment. She was left for dead inside a lonely room she wasn’t able to see her child and she wasn’t able to see any other people. She was left inside a room for the sake of her sickness whom the husband thought it would be best for her to just be to herself and away from the rest of the people. But little did he know, she suffered feeling alone and